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Learning and Memory, 14: 564-572, 2007

Transgenic mice expressing an inhibitory truncated form of p300 exhibit long-term memory deficits by A.M.M. Oliveira, M.A. Wood, C.B. McDonough, and T. Abel

Cover NPP 2003


Mar;29(3):494-501, 2004

Sensorimotor Gating Deficits in Transgenic Mice Expressing a Constitutively Active Form of Gsα by T.J. Gould, S.P. Bizily, J. Tokarczyk, M.P. Kelly, S,J. Siegel, S.J. Kanes, and T. Abel. 

Most updated list of all of the Abel Lab publications in PubMed 

Most updated list of all of the Abel Lab publications in Google Scholar 

Epigenetic Mechanisms of Memory Storage

Chatterjee, S., Bahl, E., Mukherjee, U., Walsh, E.N., Shetty, M.S., Yan, A.L., Vanrobaeys, Y., Lederman, J.D., Giese, K.P., Michaelson, J., and Abel, T.  (2022).  Endoplasmic reticulum chaperone genes encode effectors of long-term memory.  Sci Adv. 8 PMID: 35319980, PMCID: PMC8942353, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm6063

Mews, P., Calipari, E., Day, J., Lobo, M. K. and Abel, T. (2021). From circuits to chromatin: The emerging role of epigenetics in mental health. Journal of Neuroscience. 41: 873-882 PMCID: PMC7880276

Bridi, M., Schoch, H., Florian, C., Poplawski, S. G., Banerjee, A., Hawk, J. D., Banks, G., Lejards, C., Hahn, C.-G., Giese, K.-P., Havekes,R., Spruston, N. and Abel, T.(2020). The transcriptional co-repressor SIN3A regulates hippocampal synaptic plasticity via Homer1/mGluR5 signaling. JCI Insight. 5(5). pii: 92385. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.92385. PMCID: PMC7141406

Chatterjee, S., Angelakos, C. C., Bahl, E., Hawk, J. D., Gaine, M. E., Poplawski, S. G., Schneider-Anthony, A., Yadav, M., Porcari, G. S., Cassel, J. C., Giese, K. P., Michaelson, J. J., Lyons, L. C., Boutillier, A. L. and Abel, T. (2020). The CBP KIX domain regulates long-term memory and circadian activity. BMC Biology. 29: 155, doi: 10.1186/s12915-020-00886-1.  PMCID: PMC7597000

Mews, P., Donahue, G., Drake, A. M., Luczak, V., Abel, T. and Berger, S. (2017). Acetyl-CoA synthetase regulates histone acetylation and hippocampal memory. Nature 546: 381-386. PMCID: PMC5505514

Park, A. J., Havekes, R., Peixoto, L., Li, Z., Fu, X., Wu, Y.-C., Poplawski, S. G., Hansen, R., Tudor, J. C., Baraban, J. and Abel, T. (2017). Learning induces the translin/trax RNase complex to express activin receptors for persistent memory. eLife 6: e27872. PMCID: 5606845

Peixoto, L., Wimmer, M., Poplawski, S., Tudor, J. C., Kenworthy, C. A., Liu, S., Mizuno, K., Garcia, B. A., Zhang, N. R., Giese, K. P. and Abel, T. (2015). Memory acquisition and retrieval impact different epigenetic processes that regulate gene expression. BMC Genomics. 16: S5. PMCID: PMC4460846

Hawk, J. D., Bookout, A. L., Poplawski, S. G., Bridi, M., Rao, A. J., Sulewski, M. E., Kroener, B. T., Mangelsdorf, D. J. and Abel, T. (2012). Nr4a nuclear receptors support memory enhancement by histone deacetylase inhibitors. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 122: 3593-3602. PMCID: PMC3461922

Sleep and Memory

Gaine M. E., Bahl E., Chatterjee S., Michaelson J. J., Abel T., Lyons L. C. (2021). Altered hippocampal transcriptome dynamics following sleep deprivation. Molecular Brain 14: 125. PMCID: PMC8361790

Lyons, L. C., Chatterjee, S., Vanrobaeys, Y., Gaine, M. E., and Abel, T. (2020). Translational changes induced by acute sleep deprivation uncovered by TRAP-Seq. Molecular Brain 13: 165. PMCID: PMC7713217

Havekes, R. and Abel, T. (2017). The tired hippocampus: The molecular impact of sleep deprivation on hippocampal function. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 44: 13-19. PMCID: PMC5511071

Havekes, R., Park, A. J., Ferri, S. L., Tudor, J. C., Bruinenberg, V. M., Poplawski, S. G., Day, J. P., Aton, S. J., Radwanska K., Meerlo P., Houslay M.D., Baillie G.S. and Abel, T. (2016). Sleep deprivation causes memory deficits by negatively impacting neuronal connectivity in hippocampal area CA1. eLife 5: e13424. PMCID: PMC4996653

Tudor, J. C., Davis, E. J., Peixoto, L., Wimmer, M., van Tilborg, E., Park, A. J., Poplawski, S. G., Chung, C. W., Havekes, R., Huang, J., Gatti, E., Pierre, P. and Abel, T. (2016). Sleep deprivation impairs memory by attenuating mTORC1-dependent protein synthesis. Science Signaling 9: ra41. PMCID: PMC4890572

Vecsey, C. G., Baille, G., Jaganath, D., Havekes, R., Daniels, A., Wimmer, M., Huang, T., Brown, K., Li, X-Y., Descalzi, G., Kim, S. S., Chen, T., Shang, Y-Z., Zhuo, M., Houslay, M. D. and Abel, T. (2009). Sleep deprivation impairs cAMP signaling in the hippocampus. Nature. 461: 1122-1125. PMCID: PMC2783639

Molecular Basis of Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders

Lynch III, J.  F., Ferri, S., Angelakos, C. C., Schoch, H., Nickl-Jockschat, T., Gonzales, A., O’Brien W. T., and Abel, T. (2020).Comprehensive behavioral phenotyping of 16p11.2 del mouse models for neurodevelopmental disorders. Autism Research. doi: 10.1002/aur.2357 PMCID: PMC7990053

Bale, T. L., Abel, T., Akil, H., Carlezon, W. A. Jr, Moghaddam, B., Nestler, E. J., Ressler, K. J. and Thompson, S. M. (2019). The critical importance of basic animal research for neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology 44: 1349-1353. PMCID: PMC6784904

Koberstein, J. N., Poplawski, S. G., Wimmer, M. E., Porcari, G., Kao, C., Gomes, B., Risso, D., Hakonarson, H., Zhang, N. R., Schultz, R. T., Abel, T., and Peixoto, L.(2018). Learning-dependent chromatin remodeling highlights noncoding regulatory regions linked to autism. Sci Signal, 11(513). doi:10.1126/scisignal.aan6500. PMCID: PMC6180319

Grissom, N. M., McKee, S. E., Schoch, H., Bowman, N., Havekes, R., George, R., O’Brien, W. T., Kumar, M., Pickup, S., Jangir, V. K., Mahrt, E. Siegel, S., Poptani, H., Portfors, C., Nickl-Jockschat, T., Reyes, T. M. and Abel, T. (2018). Male-specific deficits in natural reward learning in a mouse genetic model of autism. Molecular Psychiatry 23: 544-555. PMCID: PMC5822461

Schoch, H., Kreibich, A. S., Ferri, S., White, R. S., Bohorquez, D., Banerjee, A., Port, R. G., Dow, H. C., Cordero, L., Pallathra, A. A., Kim, H., Li, H., Bilker, W. B., Hirano, S., Schultz, R. T., Borgmann-Winter, K., Hahn, C.-G., Feldmeyer, D., Carlson, G. C., Abel, T. and Brodkin, E. S. (2017). Sociability deficits and altered amygdala circuits in mice lacking Pcdh10, an autism associated gene. Biological Psychiatry 81: 193-202. PMCID: PMC5161717

Patel, T. P., Gullotti, D. M., Hernandez, P., O’Brien, W. T., Capehart, B., Morrison III, B., Bass, C., Eberwine, J. E., Abel, T. and Meaney, D. F. (2014). An open-source toolbox for automated phenotyping of mice in behavioral tasks. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 8: 349. PMCID: PMC4189437

Kelly, M. P., Stein, J. M., Vecsey, C. G., Favilla, C., Yang, X., Bizily, S. F., Esposito, M. F., Wand, G., Kanes, S. J. and Abel, T. (2009). Developmental etiology for neuroanatomical and cognitive deficits in mice overexpressing Gαs, a G-protein subunit genetically linked to schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry. 14: 398-415. PMCID: PMC3312743

cAMP signaling, synaptic plasticity and memory

Walsh EN, Shetty MS, Diba K, and Abel T. (2022). Chemogenetic Enhancement of cAMP Signaling Renders Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity Resilient to the Impact of Acute Sleep Deprivation

Shetty MS, Ris L, Schindler RFR, Mizuno K, Fedele L, Giese KP, Brand T, Abel T. Mice lacking the cAMP effector protein POPDC1 show enhanced hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Cerebral Cortex. 2021; bhab426. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhab426

Luczak, V., Blackwell, K. T., Abel, T., Girault, J.-A., and Gervasi, N. (2017). Dendritic diameter influences the rate and magnitude of hippocampal cAMP and PKA transients during β-adrenergic receptor activation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 138: 10-20. PMCID: PMC5303694

Havekes, R., Huang, T., Nie, T., Canton, D., Park, A. J., Day, J. P., Guercio, L., Grimes, Q., Luczak, V., Gelman, I. H., Baillie, G. S., Scott, J. D. and Abel, T. (2012). Gravin orchestrates PKA and 2-adrenergic receptor signaling critical for synaptic plasticity and memory. Journal of Neuroscience. 32: 18137-18149. PMCID: PMC3533251

Isiegas, C., McDonough, C., Huang, T., Fabian, S., Wu, L-J., Xu, H., Zhao, M-G., Kim, J-I., Lee, Y-S., Lee, H-R., Ko, H-G., Lee, N., Son, H., Zhuo, M., Kaang, B-K. and Abel, T. (2008). A novel conditional genetic system reveals that increasing neuronal cAMP enhances memory and retrieval. Journal of Neuroscience. 28: 6220-6230. PMCID: PMC2909468

Abel, T., Nguyen, P. V., Barad, M., Deuel, T. A. S., Kandel, E. R., and Bourtchouladze, R. (1997). Genetic demonstration of a role for PKA in the late phase of LTP and in hippocampus-based long-term memory. Cell. 88: 615-626.