News from Abel Lab

 Dr. JaeKyoon Kim awarded BBRF Young Investigator Grants.


Jaekyoon received 2024 Young Investigator Grants from The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.  Detail of his proposed project is described in the accouchement as following ...

Jaekyoon Kim, Ph.D., University of Iowa, wants to better understand cellular and molecular mechanisms of repetitive behaviors, a defining symptom in ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, and OCD. One challenge in investigating repetitive behavior in mice is the lack of valid behavioral assays. This project uses rotarod training to provide a quantitative and continuous measure of the acquisition of repetitive behavior via forced motor activity. The rotarod is a behavioral task based on a rotating rod, like a treadmill, that the animal must stay on for as long as possible. The experiments proposed seek to identify molecular mechanisms, celltype-specific contributions, and circuit-specific patterns of neuronal activity during the acquisition of repetitive behavior in mice that model 16p11.2 deletion syndrome. The hope is to characterize the role of striatal circuits as key mediators of repetitive behaviors and identify potential therapeutic targets for their amelioration.

New Publications

  • "Innate immunity in neurons makes memories persist" by Benjamin Kelvington and Ted Abel.  read here

  • "Dissecting 16p11.2 hemi-deletion to study sex-specific striatal phenotypes of neurodevelopmental disorders" by J-K, Kim et al. read here 

    JK paper
  • "Spatial transcriptomics reveals unique gene expression changes in different brain regions after sleep deprivation" by Y. Vanrobaeys et al.  read here

    Yann Nature


Events - Iowa Neuroscience Institute -

Iowa Neuroscience Institute Seminar: Matthew Leonard, PhD

Friday, March 7, 2025 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Carver Biomedical Research Building
"Speech and language computation in the human superior temporal gyrus" Matthew Leonard, PhD Associate Professor Department of Neurological Surgery Weill Institute for Neurosciences University of California, San Francisco

Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar

Monday, March 24, 2025 11:00am to 12:00pm
The 2024-2025 Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar Series is organized by our colleagues at Penn State University and will feature virtual seminars from a different Big Ten neuro program on the 4th Monday of each month (November, December, May dates are adjusted for holidays.) The links will be shared in the Neuroscience this week email. Contact if you do not receive this email and would like to attend a seminar.

Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar

Monday, April 28, 2025 11:00am to 12:00pm
The 2024-2025 Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar Series is organized by our colleagues at Penn State University and will feature virtual seminars from a different Big Ten neuro program on the 4th Monday of each month (November, December, May dates are adjusted for holidays.) The links will be shared in the Neuroscience this week email. Contact if you do not receive this email and would like to attend a seminar.

Hawk-IDDRC Seminar Series: Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, MD, PhD; Rush University Medical Center

Friday, May 9, 2025 12:00pm
Please join us for the Hawk-IDDRC Seminar Series Elizabeth Berry-Kravis, MD, PhD; Rush University Medical Center Professor, Departments of Pediatrics, Neurological Sciences, Anatomy and Cell Biology Director, RUSH Pediatric Neurosciences F.A.S.T. Center for Translational Research Friday, May 9, 2025, noon CST in the Pediatric Conference Center JCP2415 More information to come!  

Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar

Monday, May 19, 2025 11:00am to 12:00pm
The 2024-2025 Big Ten Neuroscience Seminar Series is organized by our colleagues at Penn State University and will feature virtual seminars from a different Big Ten neuro program on the 4th Monday of each month (November, December, May dates are adjusted for holidays.) The links will be shared in the Neuroscience this week email. Contact if you do not receive this email and would like to attend a seminar.

Events - Neuroscience -

Neuroscience & Pharmacology Workshop - William Guiler and Israel Wipf

Thursday, March 23, 2023 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Medical Education Research Facility
"scRNA-sequencing of human Cortical Organoids treated with Ketamine" Presented by William Guiler Graduate student in Dr. Mark Niciu's lab "Defining the Role of Adipose Triglyceride Lipase in Drosophila Border Cell Migration" Presented by Israel Wipf Graduate student in Dr. Tina Tootle's

Events - Hawk-IDDRC -

There are currently no events to display.